9th April, 2021, Hyderabad: CII – Yi (Young Indians), Hyderabad Chapter organized a Fireside Chat on “Indian Political Scenario” – A Conversation with ShaziaIlmi & Amit Bagaria – The Young Entrepreneurs of Yi got into an Engrossing Conversation such as
1. Was India for sale during the past?
2. Scams of bygone eras.
3. Key takeaways from the 2019 elections.
4. Natural party of choice for Indians?
5. Successes and Failures of Modi 1.0
6. Defending India
7. J&K now a part of India
8. A Scorecard of Indias 14 PMs
9. Scotch vs Nimbupani
The Yi-HydrerabadChapter ChairMr.Abhishek Sonthalia, Chapter Co-Chair -Mr.SiddarthMalani, &Learning Team :AshutoshDeendayal , AnkitBhutoria, Romit Shah and Mukul Agarwal welcomed the Guest and had media interaction on Initiatives taken by Yi as an Organization and why these events are a way of confidence boosting measures for young entrepreneurs with respect to the Political Scenario in the Country.
The Yi-Hydrerabad Chapter Chair Mr.Abhishek Sonthalia & Mr.SiddarthMalani- Chapter Co-Chairsaid“ These session/conversations with the presence of many young entrepreneurs are quite interesting, we at Yi have many young businessmen, entrepreneurs, 2nd/3rd Generation of Business Owners and these talksare a way to make it clear amongst the business community about the Political Scenario in the country. They added “The Past year was marred by Pandemic, we have seen the extent of damages done many businesses suffered and now once things are gaining momentum, we have future elections ahead and with so much of -talks, news, social media content, etcabout politics, we don’t want our young businessmen to ponder over different political views and scenarios. To make things clearer and to have a first-hand view on political scenario in Nation, we have organized this event on “Indian Political Scenario” – A Conversation with ShaziaIlmi& Amit Bagaria.
AshutoshDeendayal , AnkitBhutoria, Romit Shah and Mukul Agarwal from the Learning Teamsaid“Yi-Hyderabad Chapter have been in the forefront in conducting various sessions, workshops, events, etc. post the covid lockdowns - to help the businessmen, entrepreneurs to get back to their businesseswith a full zeal and carry out their business efficiently, we had conducted an interesting motivational session recently“An Interactive Session with Renowned Motivational Speaker Gaur Gopal Das”, which was a great hit and the members of Yi felt rejuvenated and motivated by the talks of Gaur Gopal DasGuruji. The Duo Added “Yi-Hyderabad Chapter was in the forefront of Helping the fellow citizens during Lockdowns, the chapter had donated large number of PPE Kits, N95 Masks, 12000 Medical Kits to the State Govt. and the Covid Warriors, Yi also distributed Meals to over 1.25 Lakhs People Effected by the Pandemic, the team also distributed around 440 Packs of Dry Ration Kits to needy and migrant workers. This Session is being conducted to help our businesses learn more about political scenario in the nation. The Event is being conducted with all precautions and participation is limited to bookings.
