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Star hospital doctors save life of a Nigerian baby suffering with TGA.

Hyderabad 10th August 2019: Star hospital doctors save life of a Nigerian baby suffering with TGA.

A team of doctors from Star hospital diagnosed a Nigerian baby with a rare condition of Transposition of Great Arteries (TGA) and could successfully perform the surgery and saved the life of the little one, who had come to India all the way from Nigeria for treatment.

Going into details, Baby Ojomo was born with a potentially fatal condition called in medical parlance as Transposition of Great Arteries (TGA). In this condition the artery to the lungs (Pulmonary artery) instead of arising from the right side arises from the left and carries pure blood back to the lungs. The artery to the body (AORTA) arises from the right instead of the left and carries impure blood to the body. The child was kept alive by three holes at various levels in the heart which allowed for intermixing of the pure and impure blood. This mixed blood ensured that the child was alive although blue.

The child needed a corrective surgery on urgent basis to survive. Time was very limited because the right heart is not meant to pump blood to the body and might have given up at any moment;90% of such children die within a year of birth. And with time the pressure in the lungs will build up and eventually the left heart cannot take up the circulation to the body. Local cardiologist picked up this condition quickly, and as STAR hospital has an outreach programme in Nigeria, he contacted us. Thanks to the Indian embassy, Star Hospital overseas coordinator, the baby was flown in, accompanied by a doctor from the Nigerian air force.

The child was stabilised and evaluated by the paediatric cardiac services team at Star Hospital. Thanks to the seamless integrated Paediatric Cardiac services at Star hospital, which comprises of dedicated cardiologists, paediatricians, Intensivists, Anaesthetists, efficient Nursing services and the supporting paramedical staff, the child underwent a major surgical procedure called as Arterial Switch operation with VSD closure. In this surgery the great arteries are switched back to their original positions and holes are closed. The blood supply to the heart is also transferred to the correct side. The baby which was noticeably blue now turned a healthy pink and is ready to go home.

This operation is a major surgery and is being done in only few centres in Hyderabad, on an average 25 such operations are carried out every year in the Star hospital with good outcomes. Owing to the world-class standards, the international wing of Star Hospitals has been growing swiftly on global scale by providing livesaving treatments to the patients from all over the world. Star Hospitals provides assistance to the patients in all aspects right from obtaining visa, arranging for interpreters and translation of medical records, securing medical transportation, and facilitating accommodations. Star hospital also has an outreach programme in Nigeria, where on a yearly basis the team goes to perform open heart surgery, and as part of transfer of technology the local team is also being trained.

Giving his note on the occasion, Dr Jagannath, Chief Paediatric Cardiac Surgeon from Star Hospital, said, “It was a challenging case because of the clinical complexities and logistics of transfer from a distant country, but I am happy that the surgery was successful, and Ojomo is going home to a new life. The entire team of STAR hospital rose to the occasion, and we managed to bring back a smile to the parents of Ojomo.” The mother, now a very relieved person smilingly said, “I am absolutely speechless and couldn’t thank enough to Dr. Jagannath and, Dr Nithin paediatric cardiac and Dr.RameshDasari paediatrician and entire team of Star Hospitals. I came to India with lots of hope and you made it possible. Star Hospital has brought back the happiness in our lives. Thank you once again”.




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