Hyderabad March 8th,2020: Medicover Hospital in association with WeTogether foundation organized Iconic Women 2020 award on the occasion of international Women's day. On the occasion, Women warriors and female folks who fought the Covid pandemic were recognised and felicitated with Iconic Women2020 awards for their selfless service and for saving the lives of people.
About 56 women from various categories Educationist, Doctors, Journalists, social activists, philanthropists were honored on this occasion.
Speaking to media Md Maqdoom Ali Khan President WETOGETHER FOUNDATION said its a privilege for us to honor women on this occasion, they are assets of our Nation.
Mahesh Deglookar, Chief Business Operations, Medicover group was happy to give away awards to women achievers, he quoted saying *Behind every successful woman, it's she herself* Its she who motivates Herself and also others to become a go getter.
