Hyderabad 3rd June 2023: Social Impact: It is one of the most common congenital musculoskeletal anomaly. Parents are very anxious and terrified at the news of their child being born with a deformed foot. Few cases when detected antenatally on scans, some parents are not interested give birth of this kind of child. It is very important to counsel the parents and give them confidence. They think their child will not walk or will walk late. Mostly in India mothers are blamed for this deformity, it also impacts relationships with spouses or with in-laws. However, the truth is it’s not hereditary in most cases and there is no fault of the mother.
Most commonly this condition is noted in lower socio-economic groups. Thus it also impacts financially the family for taking timely guidance and treatment. In 10-15% of cases, it can be associated with neurological or muscular disorders. It is important to examine the spine and other joints. As part of world clubfoot day pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon Dr Vidyasagar Chendankare and Chief Joint Replacement Surgeon Kims Sunshine Hospitals Dr Gurava Reddy, Flagged off the walk of all successful full clubfoot children along with their parents. And the children can lead a normal life as other normal children.
As part of a press release, Dr Gurava Reddy sir addressedthe press with the following. In Telugu, it is also known as Grahanamkaalu but it has nothing to do with eclipse. The foot is severely deformed at birth and is the cause of parental anxiety when diagnosed. About more than half of the cases are bilateral and firstborn males are commonly affected.
Also, Dr.Vidyasagar explains the myths and facts and requested patients to attend the counseling class. KIMSSUNSHINE Hospital, Secunderabad runs an exclusive Clubfoot Clinic every Monday from 9 am to 12 noon. Everybody should make use of this clinic.World-over 1.5-2 lakhs children are born yearly with Clubfoot and hence it is the most common congenital musculoskeletal disorder. The incidence in India is about 1.2/1000 Live births. It is important to know that’s a treatable condition with good results when handled properly.Impact: If left untreated it will result in significant pain, stiffness, deformity, and poor cosmetic appearance of the foot later Diagnosis: Clinical examination is sufficient for diagnosis and it will help rule out other syndromes or differential diagnosis. It is also frequently picked up on Antenatal scans.
Goal: To achieve a painless, well corrected, and mobile foot
Management: It happens in two phases:
Phase 1: Correction with serial weekly casts and a small procedure at the end. During this phase, the physician plays a major role.
Phase 2: Maintenance with good fitting comfortable braces: during this phase, parents take a lead role with frequent follow-ups and guidance from the doctor.
Both phases are crucial for the end results. The recurrence rate is quite high before the age of 4 years, so braces are the only means to prevent relapses. Message: It is a treatable condition, and it needs to start as soon as possible. Over the last century, the treatment has slowly moved away from major surgery to just plasters and minimally invasive procedures.
Participated in awareness walk KIMS Sunshine Hospitals Regional Chief Operating Officer Saurabh Gupta, Medical Director Pavan, Dr Dinakar, Dr Niveditha, and also participated in the walk treating Clubfoot children and parents.