On 3rd September All India Malayalee Association National Vice President Mr. KV. Devarajan has felicititated Sree Narayana Education & Cultural Society (SNECS) Hyderabad with the Affiliation Certificate of AIMA during the 169th Sree Narayana Gurudeva Jayanthi & Onam Celebrations at Kanajiguda, Secunderabad.
AIMA-TS President Mr. KU Isaac, GS. Mr. Karunakaran and Chairman Mr. BCR Nair has appreciated elaborately about SNECS’s contribution towards the not only the Malayalee community as well as the society according to Sri Narayana Guru Devan’s inspiration and Onam as a collaborative assembly and must we say, it was a real treat!
A well planned event, that had a blend of culture, tradition and history had all mesmerize
Dance Drama, songs, speeches and loads of information saw a crisp of the fabulous function.
Students and Teachers of SNECS were dressed in their traditional best and added to the festivity. Pookalams adorned the School lobby, the academic block while every class displayed their creative ideas
The President of SNECS Mr. Rajendrababu and GS. Mr. Padmanabhan in their message highlighted the facts & figures of their achievements as an educational institution as well as the cultural celebrations Guru Deva Janathi & Onam.
Onam an ancient festival which is one of the rarest festivals which is celebrated by a complete State, irrespective of religion, caste and creed. The beauty of the festival lies in its secular fabric. People of all religions, castes and communities celebrate the festival with equal joy and verve of Guru vachanam- *One Caste- One Religion- One God-For Man* Onam also helps to create an atmosphere of peace and brotherhood .
Amidst cheers of happiness and excitement, children learnt the importance of these very special days and imbibed in them pride, cultural oneness and a sense of belonging that we are one big family.